Know us

Who we are

You have been the backbone of our institution since our school was founded . To reach this level, We went through hard work, dedication and support from friends to mentors; from pupils to parents who chose Sheikh Anta Diop College as their educational institution. Visitors to our school have always asked ; why we named the school after “such a difficult name to pronounce” while others who know who Sheikh Anta Diop was ask “ why naming a school after such a scientific Machiavelli”? we always answer with risible words to the first, saying “Saint Paul, Saint Oberhozer, Greenwich college, Mountbatten high school, Montague primary, Bezedenhout combined school, etc.. are difficult names to pronounce than Anta Diop”! Well, as long as such “a difficult name” was not christened and blessed by the western God, it remains always a nightmare for every euro centred mentality. Had it been sheikh anta drop, though meaningless indeed, none would dare say “it is difficult to pronounce”.

To the second, though collective, we distribute to many parents, visitors and pupils a pamphlet in which we explain why we named our school after the great Africanist scholar Sheikh Anta Diop. To know more about this honourable son of Africa whom we hold as knowledge inspirer for all our pupils, you are welcomed to read an informative detailed article in this regard in this web site. We believe that sheikh Anta Diop remains a patented knowledge-guru in the 20th century. Instead of shelving him somewhere and letting his name gather dust in educational oblivion, we decided to bring his existence to the new generations so that he could continue to inspire them as a scientific role model.

Parents of our pupils remain our greatest partners, supporters and, to some extent, customers as we are a private institution. The government, as well, is a hero in the shadow that whispers constructive pieces of advice to us. Without the elements that constitute the above team, our work would not be that great today.

Our Statements

Our Pledge

To achieve the best educational results, academically and humanity durable

Mission Statement

Affordable school fees for highest quality and everlastaing education

Our Visions

As one of private institutions in the coutry, Sheikh Anta Diop college Aims at contributing to the individual's both academic and social formation, to help develop a more competent and resposible individual who fits universally.

Staff's Code Of Conduct

Science with conscience to avoid ruining the soul